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Embrace Tranquility: Upcoming Events & Wellness Retreats

This is your go-to destination to learn about upcoming workshops, specialized trainings and transformative retreats. Whether you are looking to expand your knowledge, immerse yourself in a serene retreat, or connect with like-minded people, explore my calendar to find an opportunity that is in alignment with your path.

Monthly Sacred Gathering For Women

This is something I’ve wanted to create for a long time! Please join me for a monthly women’s circle, a gathering designed to create a supportive and sacred space for women to share, listen and empower one another. Each circle offers a unique opportunity to explore spiritual ideas and experiences that are central to our lives as women. Together, we’ll engage in thoughtful discussion, meditation, and joyful connection.
Each gathering will include a meditation or light movement to help us drop into the depths of our truth, grounding ourselves in the present moment. Everything you need- yoga bolsters, blankets, mats- is provided by the studio. Just bring yourself and an open heart.
All women-identifying individuals are invited to participate. This is a donation-based event with a suggested offering of $15-35 (pay what you can).
When: Friday, 9/20, 7:30-9pm
Where: Laurel Grace Yoga Studio (downtown New Braunfels)
Please email me if you are interested or have any questions.


Inversion Alchemy: Embrace the Upside Down


Come Ready to turn your world upside down! Join me for a two hour workshop combining a light hearted, fun approach to inversions as well as informative and insightful. We will discuss the importance of alignment, explore the common emotions we experience when inverting, such as fear and excitement and engage in a physical practice, designed to support your inversions practice. Whether you've never been upside down or you're ready to explore more, this workshop will be a wonderful way to deepen your practice.

Date: TBA

Yoga For the Energy Body

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Often, spirituality is portrayed as something to be obtained rather than something we already possess within. However, Eastern practices like yoga and qigong demonstrate that tending to our bodies is essential in uniting mind, body and spirit.

In this 15 hour immersion, we will take a deeper exploration of Eastern modalities such as qigong and breathwork to experience how the body transforms the mind and spirit. By starting with the internal world, we allow this transformation to ripple outward. This is an opportunity make your practice more potent and meaningful.

This series will provide a nurturing container to feel, explore and tune into your body's innate wisdom. 
Date: TBA


2025- more info soon.

Nature Tokens
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