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Welcome! I’m Angela, a passionate yoga and qigong teacher dedicated to holistic health and well-being.
With over a decade of experience in both Western and Eastern health practices, my teaching style crafts a unique approach that blends ancient wisdom with modern science. 

My Story

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My journey began after my very first yoga class. During savasana, I felt a calm, inspired and vital part of myself that I hadn’t felt possibly since childhood.

 From that point forward, I was hooked! I needed to know who that person buried deep within was. The more my practice grew, the more emotional and physical baggage I shed and the easier it became to access who I truly am.  I am driven by the process of transforming our minds through connecting with our body. Our practice is an anchor into our authentic self.

I have had the privilege of learning from some of the most respected practitioners in the field. My teaching philosophy centers around physical and energetic anatomy, patience, self-exploration and finding joy within movement. My intention is to give you tools not just to improve your physical health but also to create a nurtured, centered sense of being.

When I’m not teaching, you’ll find me spending time with my family and animals. I have a 3 legged tortie kitty named, Rue and a beautiful mini aussie named, Kiwi! They are such lovebugs. I love to travel, make jewelry, tinctures and cook. Its important for me to spend lots of time outside but since I live in Texas, where the sun will melt you, I also enjoy spending time in the air conditioner, exploring and creating within the video game world. Want to test if you are truly a calm and grounded person? Play an online video game! ha .. ha.

I am always looking for new ways to bring peace into my life and the lives of others. Please feel free to reach out, sign up for my newsletter, ask me about private yoga sessions and/or join a class!


Private or Group Yoga Inquiry Book me for your next bachelorette party, corporate wellness meeting or 1 on 1 session!

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